At Sailerโ€™s Greenhouse our goal is to provide our customers with ideas and inspiration for every season. Our passion for everything green helps us provide the highest quality plant material. Using new ideas and trends we pride ourselves on customer-service and quality to ensure our customers make every gardening season its best.

We grow it. We sell it. We live it. 



MARK & PEGGY (owners)- Growers, Greenhouse builders. Certified plant geeks.

NIKKI- Design. Workshops. Photographer. Social.

KATE- Designer. Planter. Crazy Plant & Cat lady.

ELLIE & ELLIE- Chalkbord artist and garden gurus.

HAYDEN- Check out and plant lover.

NICK, LOGAN, LUKE, ALEX & ETHAN- Greenhouse crew.  

IZZY THE CAT- greenhouse hunter. 

MURPHY, SULLY, GUS & DUKE- Greeters & Retrievers.